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Filter Criteria: 2024-05-26 [Sun] Room 305


Site:Room 305

08:00 -09:40 (UTC+8) 08:00-09:40 Local Time | Part 1 [Parallel Session 1: International Session-Principles of Surgical Treatment of Gynecologic Malignancies]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 08:00-08:20 08:00 -08:20

Surgical principles of gynecological oncology

Zeyi Cao Beijing Royal Integrative Medicine Hospital
2 08:20-08:40 08:20 -08:40

Techniques and Key Points of Extensive Peritoneal Resection in Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Roberto Tozzi University of Padua Affiliated Hospital
3 08:40-09:00 08:40 -09:00

Principles of precision in gynecological oncological surgery

Ilnur Irekovich Musin
4 09:00-09:20 09:00 -09:20

Fertility-Sparing Conservative Management of Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer (Oncofertility) The Essential Role and Possibilities of the IUS in the Outpatient Setting

Lubomir Mikulasek
5 09:20-09:40 09:20 -09:40

Various laparoscopic radical, ultra-radical surgeries for gynecologic diseases

Hiroyuki Kanao
09:40 -11:55 (UTC+8) 09:40-11:55 Local Time | Part 2 [Parallel Session 1: International Session-Principles of Surgical Treatment of Gynecologic Malignancies]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 09:40-10:00 09:40 -10:00

De-escalation of the surgical extent in early cervical cancer

Jae Weon Kim Seoul National University
2 10:00-10:30 10:00 -10:30

KLS Martin Industrial session-Paracolpium for radical hysterectomy:new insights into surgical implication

Liangqing Yao Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center
3 10:30-10:50 10:30 -10:50

Laparoscopic surgery for Ovarian Cancer

Wenjun Cheng Jiangsu Province Hospital
4 10:50-11:10 10:50 -11:10

Fiboids,  adenomatoid tumors and  Sarcomas - where is the trasition in Gyne Endioscopic Surgery

Liselotte Mettler -
5 11:10-11:30 11:10 -11:30

Advancing ovarian cancer through a better understanding of minimal residual disease (MRD)

Amir A. Jazaeri
6 11:30-11:40 11:30 -11:40


7 11:40-11:55 11:40 -11:55

Industrial session-The exploration of focused ultrasound treatment combined with hysteroscopic surgery for large-size uterine fibroids in special location

Junjie Wang Affiliated Renhe Hospital of China Three Gorges University


Site:Room 305

13:30 -14:35 (UTC+8) 13:30-14:35 Local Time | Part 1 [Parallel Session 5: International Session-Surgical Techniques for Gynecologic Malignancies]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 13:30-13:50 13:30 -13:50

Endometriosis a progressive disease a benign cancer or not

Adel Shervin
2 13:50-14:10 13:50 -14:10

Anatomy of the Upper Abdomen and Surgical Techniques in Ovarian Cancer

Ganesh Dangal
3 14:10-14:30 14:10 -14:30

Lymph node evaluation in endometrial cancer

Yuanjing Hu Tianjin Central Hospital Of Gynecology Obstetrics
4 14:30-14:35 14:30 -14:35


14:35 -16:00 (UTC+8) 14:35-16:00 Local Time | Part 2 [Parallel Session 5: International Session-Surgical Techniques for Gynecologic Malignancies]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 14:35-14:55 14:35 -14:55

Techniques of Nerve-sparing Radical Hysterectomy

Dan Zhao Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
2 14:55-15:15 14:55 -15:15

Ovarian Transposition for Fertility Preservation in Malignancies

Manjula Anagani Care Hospitals & Arete Hospitals
3 15:15-15:35 15:15 -15:35

Application techniques of Ultrasonic Scalpel in Lymph Node Dissection and Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative Lymphatic Leakage

Fei Li Shanxi University Of Chinese Medicine Hospital
4 15:35-15:55 15:35 -15:55

Newest aspects of ovarian cancer management.

Jalid Sehouli
5 15:55-16:00 15:55 -16:00


16:00 -17:30 (UTC+8) 16:00-17:30 Local Time | Closing Ceremony [Parallel Session 5: International Session-Surgical Techniques for Gynecologic Malignancies]
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 16:00-18:00 16:00 -18:00